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Relocating with a Rugrat: Things to Remember When Moving House with a Baby

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Can you imagine remembering to pack everything your baby might need while travelling but forgetting your actual baby? This has actually happened. A flight that had taken off from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia on its way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was forced to turn around when a mother realised that she'd left her baby at the airport. Whoops. What about if you not only had to pack everything your baby might need but also absolutely everything in your home? OK, so it's not as though you're going to move house and leave your baby behind, but having a baby can perhaps make moving to a new home slightly more complicated. When moving day arrives, what should you do to make the experience as pleasant as possible for your little one?

Near or Far

Moving a relatively short distance is generally less intensive than an interstate move, and if your move is just across town, chances are that you might find it easier to remove your baby from the equation. A family member or friend will undoubtedly be delighted to look after your baby for the day while you oversee your move, with your baby being safely delivered to your new home later in the day. This is not really going to be possible when your move is to an entirely new town or state.

The Basics

Whether it involves moving or merely a trip, travelling with your baby requires some preparation. Nappies, favourite toys, a travel cot, a change of clothes—these are probably things you would pack for your baby on a short excursion, and they'll be needed to be transported with you when moving, whether you'll be driving with your baby or flying to your new hometown. But these are the basics, and there will be other items that will need to be attended to rather promptly at your new home.

Last On, First Off

It's wise to label all your moving boxes, but the boxes containing your baby's needs should not only be clearly marked but should also be amongst the last items to be packed into the interstate removals truck so that they can be the first to be unloaded. This allows you to babyproof your child's new room immediately after arrival, and then unpack and set up the room. This can happen while the rest of the truck is being unloaded. Your child can then quickly resume their routine (including naptime), which might have been disrupted by the move.

Moving to a new home is always a particularly unique challenge, but with some minor planning, the smallest member of your family won't be too concerned about the relocation.
