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Tips for a Successful First-Time Backloading Removals Experience

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It can be frustrating when you have to move and a removals company has only a high-capacity truck available. It means that regardless of whether you have enough belongings to fill the truck, you have to pay for every inch of space in the vehicle. Luckily for you, you don't have to spend money on space you are not going to use in a removals truck. When you use backloading removals, you only have to pay for space that your belongings occupy. That said, you must be careful when hiring backloading services because what you get is different from standard removals services. This article highlights tips that will make backloading removals a smooth experience if you are using the service for the very first time.  

Select a Common Route

Different removals service providers have different trucks in their fleet that deliver clients' belongings to various destinations. It is a critical point to consider with backloading because you will be sharing a single truck with other customers. In this case, the last thing you want is to share a truck with clients who are relocating to the other side of town. It means that the removals truck has to make several detours along the way to drop off other clients' belongings, which might cause an inconvenience on your part. Therefore, ensure that you select a truck with other customers that share a common route. It will prevent detours along the way, thereby avoiding delays.

Match Your Destination to the Truck Space you Occupy

Since you are going to share trucks with other clients, it is vital that you know each one's destination. It is essential because the information will help you to decide where to place your belongings in the truck. For instance, if the manifest shows that your destination is the last one along the route, then it is best to occupy the front-end space in the truck. It will ensure that your belongings are left undisturbed as other clients offload their belongings upon reaching their destinations. On the other hand, if your destination is the nearest on the route, it is appropriate to occupy the rear space closest to the door. It will ensure that staff members have an easy time offloading once you reach your destination.  

Ensure Proper Padding

For a regular removals service, removals staff arrange clients' belongings in a way that fragile goods are grouped to prevent possible damage. However, it is different from backloading because clients do not know what other customers are moving. Therefore, rather than relying on a service provider to keep your belongings safe, you should be proactive and take the initiative. Remember to provide sufficient padding for your belongings. This way, your goods will arrive safely even if other clients' belongings lean on the goods.
