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Four Tips To Help The Removalists To Help You

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The key to a successful house move is writing lists, getting organised early and then triple-checking to ensure every possibility has been covered. Hiring a removalist is one way to have an efficient, easy and well-managed move from one home to another. But in order to get this ease of move achieved, there is still plenty you can do to help your removalists to help you. As someone who is about to move house in a few weeks, consider these four tips to ensure your moving experience is a breeze.

Know The Finer Details

There is more to moving house than just the truck arriving and furniture being loaded on. For example, is there somewhere for the truck to park close to your home on moving day? Is there also easy access to the new home at the other end? If parking around your home becomes congested, can you cone off an area for the truck in advance? These are the finer details you should consider well before moving day arrives. Your goal is to avoid a situation where the removalist arrives but has nowhere to stop their vehicle.

Make Sure Packing Is Done

There is nothing more stressful for you and your removalist than for them to arrive and discover you have not finished packing yet. Throwing your belongings into boxes at the last possible second vastly increases your chance of having items broken. Even if you have to stay up late the night before, all items which are going to be boxed up should be in labelled boxes and ready to go.

Labelled Boxes Make Life Easy

Labelling your boxes as you pack has a twofold positive effect. Firstly, you know exactly where to find anything you specifically need. Secondly, you can use the labels to let your movers know which boxes you want in which rooms. You can take this one step further and instruct the removalists which boxes you need to be unpacked first off the truck. This means that those particular boxes will be loaded onto the truck last.

Separate Your Important Belongings

Money, medication and jewellery do not belong on a moving truck. Purchase a see-through box with a snap-lock lid and place these items and your important papers together in one spot. The box should then be taken with you in your car as it will save unnecessary stress about the whereabouts of those items.

Do not hesitate to talk to your removalist about other ways that you can help the movers to successfully move your belongings. The more you pre-plan, the easier this move is going to be.
